Have you ever just wanted someone to talk to when you are dealing with a difficult situation? Or maybe you have someone to share your inner most thoughts with but because you have been hurt by others in the past, you have a hard time opening up to others. That is completely understandable. Sometimes it can be hard to find someone that you can trust when you need someone to talk to. But what if I told you that you can open up without fear of being judged or your information being repeated? What if I told you, I found your new best friend? And I have…for real! Are you ready for me to introduce you two? *drum roll.*
Your new best friend is …a journal. Yes, you read that correctly. Your new best friend is a journal.
Whenever you begin to experience some type of hardship, contemplating your next move regarding a great idea or have come up with some silly revelation, I highly suggest that you go to your journal. Not only is it relaxing and therapeutic, writing down your thoughts and feelings gives you an outlet to share what you are experiencing inwardly without judgment, interruption, and fear of your most important information being leaked. You do not even have to “talk to” (write) your BFF everyday. However, you will find out so much more about yourself, the more you journal. The following are 3 suggestions that I have regarding meeting and interacting with your new compadre daily:
Find a safe place to keep your journal.
1. You do not want to share your private conversations with your most trusted confidante with anyone so identify a space that you can store your journal without others having access to it.
2. Know that your new “friend” can wear many hats.
A journal does not have to be used just to write daily entries for your thoughts. You can use them to write out your goals, notate what comes to mind during times of meditation and to write out your ideas for special projects.
3. Give your journal a name.
If you journal often, you will soon find that you have filled up space and need to start a new journal. With every journal is a new journey and it would be cool to know which best friend (journal) hung out with you through certain changes/experiences in your life. The best way to accomplish that is to give your journal a name. It also makes it easy when you want to refer to previous journal entries by saying, “Hey, I was hanging with “Sharon” at the time…lol!
Thanks for reading and I hope you go out and pick up a journal and begin to build your relationship with your new amigo! I am sure you will find it to be a good decision and a help to you on your life’s journey.
Joan Hampton, Licensed Professional Counselor