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Happy New Year

Happy New Year, Everyone!

During this time, a lot of people are making resolutions and some are making claims on everything they desire to achieve in the upcoming year. I am excited for each and every one of you who are setting goals and working towards them. There are some sure fire ways to make sure that you are successful in achieving everything that you have set out to accomplish.

  1. Write it down
    A goal is not a goal if you can’t remember what you are working on, right? So, the best way to keep track of what you are working on is to put it in writing. Make note of the things that you WILL accomplish and look over this list constantly as a reminder that this is what you will look back on at the end of the year and say, “Hey, I set this goal and I reached it.”
  2. Break it down
    If you want to witness small amounts of success along the way, break your big goal down into smaller ones. For example, if you want to get a bachelor’s degree in accounting, start with a small goal of choosing a college, then plan to enroll in school by Spring. Promise to take at least 3 classes a semester. And so on…
  3. Action Steps
    (***This is the most important of all of the steps***) You can either have a wish or a goal. A goal, is really not a goal if you don’t have any action steps written down to help you accomplish your achievements. Once you have determined what you aim to achieve, decide what you will actively do to manifest what you desire. Without actions, you will witness no victories (sorry to be the bearer of bad news)!
  4. Reevaluate often
    Sooo…the only way to know if you are making progress is to keep checking and reevaluating your progress on a regular basis. Every other week (sometimes more often), you should pull out your goals and determine if you are progressing towards them. If what you are doing is not working, establish a new plan and get to work!

These are just a few helpful tips to assist you in crossing that finish line with the 1st, Second and Third place trophies in your life. That’s right! You can’t lose when you are racing against you! Remember, Don’t Stop & Never Give Up!

Joan Hampton, Licensed Professional Counselor

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